If you haven’t done so already, install gazelle.

Configuration of the protobuf gazelle language involves adding gazelle directives to your build files. Directives in a package are inherited by child packages, so the typical place to put common directives is in the root BUILD.bazel file. However, if you have a common subdirectory for your protos like ./proto/BUILD.bazel, that would be an appropriate place as well.

There are three directives you’ll want to become familiar with:

  1. gazelle:proto_rule
  2. gazelle:proto_plugin
  3. gazelle:proto_language

A simple setup could be:

# gazelle:proto_rule proto_compile implementation stackb:rules_proto:proto_compile
# gazelle:proto_plugin python implementation builtin:python
# gazelle:proto_language python rule proto_compile
# gazelle:proto_language python plugin python
# gazelle:proto_language python enabled true

Let’s break this down a bit:

  1. The proto_rule directive reads as “create a new rule configration named “proto_compile” whose golang implementation is registered as stackb:rules_proto:proto_compile”. The protobuf gazelle extension maintains a global registry of rule implementations; see rules for a list of pre-registered rules, or custom rules for a guide to implementing your own. The config name is just a string identifier, choose whatever suits your preference.
  2. The proto_plugin directive reads as “create a new plugin configration named ‘python’ whose golang implementation is registered as builtin:python”. The protobuf gazelle extension maintains a global registry of plugin implementations; see plugins for a list of pre-registered plugins, or custom plugins for a guide to implementing your own. The config name is just a string identifier, choose whatever suits your preference.
  3. The proto_language directive reads as “create a new language configuration and add the ‘proto_compile’ rule config”. The next line says “add the ‘python’ plugin to the ‘python’ language config. Finally, the last line flips the language to be enabled.


The gazelle:proto_rule directive is a tuple of strings NAME KEY VALUE. NAME is just an identifier. The list of available keys are (see language_rule_config.go for more info):

proto_rule key description
implementation Identifier for a rule that has been installed into the rule registry.
visibility Default visibility for the generated rule.
dep Bazel label to be added to the list of deps for the generated rule.
enabled Toggle to enable/disable rule generation on a per-package basis.

proto_rule creates/updates a configuration for an entity that knows how to generate a build rule based on a single proto_library rule.


The gazelle:proto_plugin directive is a tuple of strings NAME KEY VALUE. NAME is just an identifier. The list of available keys are (see language_plugin_config.go for more info):

proto_plugin key description
implementation Identifier for a plugin that has been installed into the plugin registry.
option plugin option to be passed to the compiler invocation (e.g. import_style=closure)
label Bazel label for the ProtoPluginInfo provider. ^1
enabled Toggle to enable/disable the plugin on a per-package basis.

^1: Each proto_plugin implementation must also have a corresponding proto_plugin rule (see proto_plugin.bzl). The primary purpose of the proto_plugin rule is to associate the binary tool for the plugin. For example the tool for protoc-gen-go tool is @com_github_grpc_grpc_go//cmd/protoc-gen-go. Use label value to override the default that is provided by the implementation.

proto_plugin creates/updates a configuration for an entity that works with a rule. The primary job of a plugin is to predict what output files are going to be produced by a protoc plugin binary. For example, the gazelle proto_plugin implementation for protoc-gen-go knows that for any file foo.proto with package a.b.c, a file {EXECROOT}/a/b/c/foo.pb.go will be generated unless that file also has a go_package option like go_package github.com/bar/baz:baz; in this case the output file will be {EXECROOT}/github.com/bar/baz/foo.pb.go.


The gazelle:proto_language directive is a tuple of strings NAME KEY VALUE. NAME is just an identifier. The list of available keys are (see language_config.go for more info):

proto_language creates/updates a configuration for an entity that associates rules and plugins together, and can be enabled/disabled on a per-package basis.


For directives gazelle:proto_* whose form is NAME KEY VALUE, the KEY can take an “intent modifier” +KEY or -KEY to express positive or negative intent (by default, intent is positive so KEY and +KEY are equivalent). Examples:

“Remove the mypy plugin from the python language in this BUILD file”:

# gazelle:proto_language python -plugin mypy

“Turn off gRPC for the gogofast plugin in this BUILD file”:

# gazelle:proto_plugin gogofast -option plugins=grpc

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