cpp example

bazel test //example/golden:cpp_test

BUILD.bazel (after gazelle)

load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library")
load("@build_stack_rules_proto//rules:proto_compile.bzl", "proto_compile")

# "proto_rule" instantiates the proto_compile rule
# gazelle:proto_rule proto_compile implementation stackb:rules_proto:proto_compile

# "proto_plugin" instantiates the builtin cpp plugin
# gazelle:proto_plugin cpp implementation builtin:cpp

# "proto_language" binds the rule(s) and plugin(s) together
# gazelle:proto_language cpp rule proto_compile
# gazelle:proto_language cpp plugin cpp

    name = "example_proto",
    srcs = ["example.proto"],
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

    name = "example_cpp_compile",
    outputs = [
    plugins = ["@build_stack_rules_proto//plugin/builtin:cpp"],
    proto = "example_proto",

BUILD.bazel (before gazelle)

# "proto_rule" instantiates the proto_compile rule
# gazelle:proto_rule proto_compile implementation stackb:rules_proto:proto_compile

# "proto_plugin" instantiates the builtin cpp plugin
# gazelle:proto_plugin cpp implementation builtin:cpp

# "proto_language" binds the rule(s) and plugin(s) together
# gazelle:proto_language cpp rule proto_compile
# gazelle:proto_language cpp plugin cpp


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