Bazel | Gazelle | Protobuf | gRPC |
contains code and examples for using protobuf in your Bazel repository.
implements a gazelle “Language” that parses your *.proto
files and generates BUILD rules. You can integrate this language into your own repository via the gazelle_binary rule.
The protobuf
gazelle language is configured using gazelle “directives”. Here’s an example configuration that enables a “proto_language” that combines the “python” plugin (the one that’s built-in to protoc), grpc, and dropbox/mypy-protobuf:
# -- The "proto_rule" directive instantiates a rule configuration --
# gazelle:proto_rule proto_compile implementation stackb:rules_proto:proto_compile
# -- The "proto_plugin" directive instantiates a plugin configuration --
# gazelle:proto_plugin python implementation builtin:python
# gazelle:proto_plugin grpc-python implementation grpc:grpc:grpc_python_plugin
# gazelle:proto_plugin mypy implementation dropbox:mypy-protobuf:protoc-gen-mypy
# -- The "proto_language" directive binds the rule(s) and plugin(s) together --
# gazelle:proto_language python rule proto_compile
# gazelle:proto_language python plugin python
# gazelle:proto_language python plugin grpc-python
# gazelle:proto_language python plugin mypy
# gazelle:proto_language python enabled true
With this configuration, any subdirectory that contains *.proto
files will be scanned by gazelle and corresponding proto build rules produced.
Here’s what you might expect to be generated with the above configuration (NOTE: This extension delegates to @bazel_gazelle//language/proto
to produce the proto_library
rule). :
name = "example_proto",
srcs = ["example.proto"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
name = "example_python_compile",
outputs = [
plugins = [
proto = "example_proto",
The generated outputs could then be consumed as follows:
srcs = [
deps = [
Please refer to the following guides to get started:
- Getting Started with Gazelle
- Getting Started without Gazelle
- Gazelle Directives Reference
- Implementing custom gazelle protobuf plugins and rules
- Contributing to rules_proto
For reference, the [examples/golden/testdata] directory contains a number of tested example configurations.